Manufacturers and prefabricators
As industrial manufacturers and prefabricators of aluminium joinery, we know that your needs are specific and depend on your size, product and service range, markets and production equipment. 20 years ago, Sepalumic was the first aluminium specialist to take your requirements into consideration by offering you bespoke solutions to help you do your job.
Today, with our teams of experts in industrial processes, we continue to use the same recognised expertise to help you to optimise your production and diversify your aluminium joinery business.
Benefit from products and services designed to facilitate the integration of all our ranges and thus increase your productivity, thanks to optimised manufacturing processes.

A product range adapted to the industrial manufacturing process
Take advantage of a complete, exclusive and innovative range of sliding systems, windows and doors offering first-class performance and adapted to industrial manufacturing methods : fewer profiles, models common to several series and optimisation of profiles to facilitate and speed up machining.
French window Headband Lock 5200TH series
I-Process Sliding Door 6700 series
Flat Door 4700 series
Concealed sash window 5200TH series

Our I-process service
Optimise your production and profitability
I-process is a service provided by Sepalumic that has been assisting industrialists as well as manufacturers and prefabricators since 2004 in the implementation of an industrial production process for aluminium joinery. Whatever the size of your company or production area, our mass production experts will provide you with answers tailored to your needs. The final, common goal is to optimise production and the profitability of your business.
We give you the means to take your development to the next level.
« We offer a non-intrusive, bespoke support service to all clients and prospects who want to industrialise their production and optimise the profitability of their company. Profiles, accessories, recommendations for setting up an industrial production area and much more. We give you the means to take your development to the next level. »
Sébastien Michelier
Head of I-Process at Sepalumic

A bespoke range of services for optimised and therefore more profitable production
Our experts carry out a study of your specific needs and an analysis of your manufacturing process to offer you bespoke solutions to achieve your production objectives by
- performing an audit of your production area to analyse the situation
- listening to your problems
- conducting an-depth study of the market, new products and consumer trends
- defining your product range and development objectives.
A trunkey 4.0 factory
From packaging to assistance with costing, machine installation and stock management, our experts provide you with all the keys to boost your productivity. Our development approaches include :
Improving the production flow
A more organised, tidier production area, well-thought-out placement of machinery and optimisation of employee work time with no downtime are all factors that help to reduce production time.
Optimisation of storage and packaging
Packaging is defined according to your product range and production volume. Products can either be packaged together with other items of a different kind or in packages of a large volume of the same reference. The objective : to streamline your purchasing costs!
Furthermore, our 7 local distribution centres guarantee a prompt response when you need supplies, as well as optimal stock management.
Help with certification/quality/labelling processes
We help you to bring your production area and products up to spec so that you can obtain your certification. The benefits of a certification process :
- Improved quality control and customer satisfaction monitoring
- Stand out from your competitors
- Access to new markets

Moving towards more responsible production
We further reduce transport and plastic packaging by ensuring that lorries carrying packages are full, optimising packaging, streamlining product ranges and assessing the supply of our products according to your needs. Together, let’s move towards more responsible production in line with your customers’ growing environmental concerns.